Deep Crack Mine
At the headwaters of the South Fork of Rock Creek, somewhere in the area between the Castle Rock placer deposits and the A.C. Mine, there is reportedly another source of Rhoades gold. This one, located in a precarious formation, is probably not very far from the huge pine tree found by a Mr. Page of Roosevelt, Utah, which had the names "Hathenbruck and Rhoades" carved into it. (It was an early method of staking claims.)
The following story comes from Mr. Edwin J. Larsen of Roosevelt, Utah. According to Mr. Larsen one Mr. Heb Campbell used to haul wood into Wyoming from the Uintah-Ouray Indian Reservation. On one such occasion, a young Indian Squaw came up to him and asked if she could ride with him into Wyoming, where her people were, because she and her husband had had a big fight and she had stabbed him. Mr. Campbell, seeing her poor condition, agreed to let her go along. In return, she revealed a fascinating story.
According to that young squaw, Caleb Rhoades and the Indians had a gold mine at the end of South Fork of Rock Creek, somewhere near Grandaddy Lake. The mine was situated in a large crack and Rhoades and the Indians had to lower themselves with ropes in order to get to the gold. She knew of this because her husband had helped guard the old mine. (See Map #014.)--Lost Gold of the Uintah, pg.109
Between Survey Lake and Lodgepole Lake just west of a saddle on Granddaddy Ridge is a mine shaft. There is a large rock face just below the shaft that has yellow lines on it apparently showing the location of 2 or 3 shafts in the area. I went down the one shaft a few years ago. It had been mined not too long ago with a lot of materials left around. There is a tunnel at the bottom of the 50-60' shaft that goes back 20 or 30' then is caved in.
Also, there is another natural shaft further west of the first shaft that I didn't venture into. Too narrow and awkward...and deep!--from someone posting on an Internet forum
Today a well-trod mountain trail leads up Hades Canyon, across from Iron Mine Creek on the North Fork of the Duchesne. Trail outfitters take fishermen around the base of Granddaddy Mountain on a pack train trail which leads to the shore of Granddaddy lake, one of the largest lakes in the Uinta Mountains. When the Geological Survey was exploring those mountains, they met George Beard, a prospector from Coalville, and asked about trails and lakes in that area. Beard replied, "Over against that mountain you will find a large lake, the Granddaddy of them all," from which statement the lake received its name. Within sight of Granddaddy Lake, a Ute guide sent by Chief Wakara took Caleb Rhoads to a place where Spanish miners dug gold before they were driven from the mountains during the Ute rebellion of 1844. According to Ute tradition, Rhoads was shown a place on the watershed divide between Hades Canyon and the South Fork of Rock Creek, where he could find gold in a deep crack or crevice in the mountain top. It was a place where he had to lower himself down into a yawning chasm or fissure.--Faded Footprints, pg. 77 last paragraph